About Me

Hi, I'm Ashley! Thank you so much for visiting the Hold Hope website.
I founded Hold Hope in 2023 to raise money and awareness for women who need to turn to surrogacy or egg donation to build or expand their family.
After experiencing two devastating second trimester pregnancy losses, I discovered that I have a genetic and medical condition that makes pregnancy very risky for me. In November of 2020, I was told I should never get pregnant again.
When doors all around me seemed to be shutting, I was able to hold out a little bit of hope in having another child due to lucky love and generosity that I feel I will never fully deserve. In January 2021, my husband Evan and I signed onto Private Label Surrogacy, a gestational surrogacy agency that we were connected to via family friends, and our journey to find our extraordinary surrogate, Lindsey, began. Three years to the date, we welcomed our third child, a daughter, who completed our family.
Our journey to Lindsey was long and filled with many ups and downs, but I am SO privileged that surrogacy was an option for us. Surrogacy is a very cost-prohibitive endeavor. Women often turn to surrogacy after their bodies and wallets have been ravaged by illness or devastation. My greatest wish is to contribute to being someone else’s hope.
In purchasing a beautiful ‘Hold Hope’ bracelet, custom-designed by my best friend since 1st grade Mary Anne (Iris Jewelry), and/or by making a tax exempt donation, you will be contributing to funds that will be awarded as grants to the most deserving women seeking assistance with all aspects of surrogacy and egg donation.
If you are visiting this page because you could benefit from support with surrogacy or egg donation – I’ve got you – please fill out a grant application. I carry you (and every single woman who was not given a choice in deciding what size her family would be) in my heart. You are my inspiration to make a change.
Thank you for stopping by – I’m honored you are here.

Lindsey (Ashley’s surrogate) testimonial:
I became interested and looked in to surrogacy a few years ago after learning more about how many women and families it truly affects. I personally was done having children, so I reached out for information and filled out application with a surrogate agency. I had no idea what an incredible blessing it would bring to my life. I've had one successful journey giving birth to a baby boy, and I am in the last trimester of my second journey with a girl. There are really no words to describe the relationships I have created with both families; they will forever hold a place in my heart.
"Love doesn't make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
Franklin P. Jones